Choosing a notebook for each letter during this challenge has been a challenge. I have chosen for B to showcase the Bomo Art Notebooks as I wanted to ensure a mix of beautiful pocket notebook options as well as functional pocket notebooks and the Bomo Art Notebooks are beautiful.

Bomo Art is a Budapest art shop and brand. They have a distinctive style and their handmade products are instantly recognisable (and at times feel too beautiful to use).

The notebook:
All the way from Budapest the BomoArt Pocket Memo books are a three-pack set of pocket notebooks with different “BomoArt” artwork on the front covers. One notebook is lined, one plain and one is dot grid.
I got my first set of

Product details:
- 56 pages
- one lined, one plain and one dot-grid.
- A8 / 8.5×13.5cm
- pack of three
- staple binding
- made in Budapest, Hungary.
BomoArt Website | Euro6.7

Do you choose function over beauty or beauty over function when it comes to your notebooks? Share in the comments
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of pocket notebooks and we encourage you to follow us on twitter and/or Instagram for more stationery inspired blog posts.
I do love a pretty notebook – I think it’s a blogger’s curse lol
We can never be without a good notebook for when ideas strike. Thanks for dropping by.
How fun these come as a 3-pack. Both beauty and function are important to me in the notebooks I use, so I’m always looking for a perfect balance.
Hi Deborah – it is great having a three pack – three designs and you don’t need to choose which one is your favourite.
You’re right, I’d have a hard time using one of those! I’d just lay it on the table and stroke it periodically…
Happy A-Z’ing.
I have to admit I am guilty of stroking! Hope you are enjoying the challenge – thanks for dropping by.
Good day, friend!
I just stopped by as part of the A-to-Z Challenge. Your Bomo art is a new thing to me, but really beautiful. I loved reading about it and you’ve definitely piqued my interest. Well done!
Thanks, and best wishes!
Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge
Hi Cherdo – thanks for dropping by. Hope you are enjoying the A to Z Challenge.