Sandra Vick Notebook

Based just south of Edinburgh, Scotland, Sandra’s artwork and gifts have a distinctive black and white silhouette bird design. I had originally backed a copy of both of Sandra Vick’s 4 long-tailed tits’ design notebooks on Kickstarter. The campaign was unfortunately unsuccessful, but undeterred Sandra chose to do a pre-order on her own website to […]

The Bullet Journal Method

If you haven’t already embraced the Bullet Journal Method and you are looking for some more social distancing activities – why not try starting your own Bullet Journal. You may already do some bullet journaling, but if you haven’t already read the book, why not check it out to learn more about the background and […]

365 Day Journal

Need another social distancing activity for keeping you occupied during lockdown? Why not try keeping a 365-day journal? This can be an alternative to having a mindful or gratitude journal and it can also be a way to keep positive or cherish the small things while social-distancing. Alternatively, you might just want to just use […]

Thoughtful Cards from Inkywool

I recently came across this collection of beautiful cards from Inkywool which feature the digitally printed images of the original 3D artworks of artist Sara Lawson. I’ve always loved butterfly art, so this collection caught my eye. The artwork if you are looking for something special is available as original artwork or as prints. Both […]