Obvious State EDC Notebook – Virginia Woolf

Obvious State is a creative studio, their artwork and goods are inspired by beautiful language that has stood the test of time, poetry that stretches the imagination, and philosophy that prompts us to think deeply. Obvious State takes snippets of text from literature, philosophy, and poetry as inspiration for a visual response and illustration.  “Desiring truth, awaiting […]

planner with flowers and squiggles in bright colours on the cover.

Papergang Squiggle Planner

Another undated daily planner from Papergang (originally in my June 2023 subscription box). The content/layout of the planner has been updated (as referenced in my last planner post). I’ve been using this planner as a daily to do list for my outside of work activities (in addition to my regular daily planner). This enables me […]

Obvious State EDC Notebook – Sappho

Obvious State is a creative studio, their artwork and goods are inspired by beautiful language that has stood the test of time, poetry that stretches the imagination, and philosophy that prompts us to think deeply. Obvious State takes snippets of text from literature, philosophy, and poetry as inspiration for a visual response and illustration.  “Become a voice.” – […]

Papergang – Squiggle (June 2023)

Papergang’s latest box “Squiggle” is designed by Micke Lindebergh. Squiggle is filled with beautiful bright everyday stationery including a planner, greeting cards, pen, washi tape and gift wrap. Micke is a Sydney-based multimedia artist. Micke’s “squiggle” is a bright abstract playful collection with bright flowers and squiggles. There are a couple of great items in […]

Obvious State EDC Notebook – Ida B. Wells

Obvious State is a creative studio, their artwork and goods are inspired by beautiful language that has stood the test of time, poetry that stretches the imagination, and philosophy that prompts us to think deeply. Obvious State takes snippets of text from literature, philosophy, and poetry as inspiration for a visual response and illustration.  “The way to […]

Obvious State EDC Notebook – Shakespeare

Obvious State is a creative studio, their artwork and goods are inspired by beautiful language that has stood the test of time, poetry that stretches the imagination, and philosophy that prompts us to think deeply. Obvious State takes snippets of text from literature, philosophy, and poetry as inspiration for a visual response and illustration.  “Exit, pursued by […]

Moleskine Monthly Notebook Diary/Planner 2023 [Check-In]

I am using the 2023 Monthly Notebook/planner for planning out this blog. The monthly planner features a double-page spread for each month, with weeks listed horizontally underneath one another. The week starts on Monday. The are a double-page lined spread between each month. I use this every week to do blog planning and it is great. This year I’ve also got into the habit of becoming more decorative to […]