Welcome to our A to Z Challenge for 2020. Thank you for joining us for another celebration of notebooks. We are looking at notebooks and stationery from around the world this year. It has been really hard to make a shortlist for French Stationery, so I have to confess I decided to include some extra links.
Paper Tigre
Since we all need some cheering up at the moment with the ongoing lockdown I decided to showcase Paper Tigre because of its bright and beautiful stationery. I love all their products.

Their stationery items are both functional and bright.
Since 2012, Papier Tigre has supported the idea that we are all thinkers, we are all artists: boardroom maestros, head executives of doodles, professionals at experiencing life in unique ways…

They are also still doing deliveries and also have a special quarantine selection of stationery goodies. You can find more here.
Also if you are looking to write more letters you might also be interested in the PLI postal letters/envelopes.
Other French Stationery:
- Calepino
- Cinqpoints
- Clairefontaine
- La Compagnie du Kraft
- Le Papier fait de la résistance
- Merci x Marks
- Minimal Plan
- Rhodia
- Soumkine
Have you used any of these notebooks? Do you know any others? Share in the comments.
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of Stationery from Around the World and we encourage you to follow us on twitter and//or Instagram for more stationery inspired blog posts.
Coudn’t not comment on the post about France ;)) Sorry, I lost your blog and wasn’t able to find you again.
Clairefontaine, Rhodia, Papier Tigre, are the best!!
J is for Jewelry