Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio based in Koganei, Tokyo, Japan. Spirited Away is the highest grossing anime film by Studio Ghibli grossing over US$290 million worldwide and is probably the most popular outside of Japan winning an academy award in 2003. So surprisingly when I was stationery shopping it was clear that in Japan the most popular films were My Neighbour Totoro and Kiki’s Delivery Service as most of the stationery available featured characters from these movies.
You can really see the care that the Japanese take with their stationery when you look at the character branded products. Here in the UK it is often the cheaper stationery used to make these products – but actually in Japan the quality remains and they use well known brands to produce these products from Studio Ghibli to Hello Kitty and other kawaii characters.
On my first shopping trip I bought a set of frixon pens with Jiji (from Kiki’s delivery service) and a diary.
Why not share in the comments – what is your favourite animated movie?
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is Japanese Stationery and we encourage you to subscribe to our blog or follow us on twitter for more stationery inspired blog posts.
J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge – where I am part of Arlee Bird’s A to Z Ambassador Team.
How has the first week of the challenge been for you so far? Are you meeting your goals of posting and hopping to other blogs?
My blog has a giveaway with bonus a to z challenges to encourage people to visit more stops.
That’s interesting. I didn’t know about this before. The Lion King is my favorite animated movie.
Hi thanks for dropping by. i’ve been enjoying th challenge – visiting the blogs has been slow and steady – i’m hoping to pick up pace.
Friday afternoon blog hopping from North Carolina. A writer resting on my laurels because all my posts are in the queue except X & Z. It will come to me. I can tell you have been busy preparing for the #Challenge. I can’t tell you a favorite animated movie, but I can tell you about historic hotels and inns as my theme this year. If you have an interest, come join me even though I am blog traveling at the moment and not there to greet you. See you along the way.
Stepheny – thanks for dropping by for the challenge – the end of the alphabet is always the hardest – I’m sure they’ll come to you soon.