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Kickstarter Find: Ingenious Ink Stationery – TaskMaster Boxset

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Ingenious Ink: The Boxsets

Ingenious Ink Stationery is a range of A6 to-do notepads to help you work out what to focus on, how to organise your day, have productive meetings, and come up with new ideas. As part of their Kickstarter Campaign, Ingenious Ink released three notepad boxsets: Scheduling Boxset, Taskmaster Boxset, and Good Habits Boxset.

I bought two. The Scheduling Boxset and the TaskMaster Boxset.

TaskMaster boxset

This Boxset is designed to help you manage your tasks and get them done.

The notepads in the Taskmaster boxset are:

  • Give me five
  • Task Matrix (A5)
  • Batch
  • Frogs (A7)
  • Task breaker (A7)

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Give me Five

Write down all the things you have to do by doing a mind dump, then pick the five things you are actually going to do and write them out again. You then ignore the rest of the list until you have finished the five most important things.

IMG 5133Task Matrix – Priority Matrix

Set out all your to-do tasks on your priority matrix based on urgency and importance, then follow the instructions based on which box they ended up in. This is based on the Eisenhower Method which is one of my favourite/most effective to do list methods.

IMG 5144Batch

Batch encourages you to organise tasks with similar conditions onto the same list. Collect tasks over the course of a week and then batch them all together when you’ve got everything set up and ready to go – then you can easily blitz them.

IMG 5137Frogs

I was not familiar with the term “Frogs”. However, Frogs are tasks that you’ve been putting off for a long time which you really know you should get done, but somehow never get around to. This notepads helps you keep track of your frogs and how old they’re getting. This comes from the Mark Twain quote “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

IMG 5145 E1535212511922Task Breaker

Simple to use notepad. Break down more complex goals into manageable subtasks using this dinky little notepad.


You can find out more about the notepads and buy them directly from Ingenious Ink Stationery.

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