I recently backed the Procrastination Paper Annual on Kickstarter which arrived earlier this month. The Procrastination Paper is a monthly mini-mag which encourages you to get off your phone and Waste Some Time Offline.
I used to love getting annuals at Christmas when I was growing up. If I am honest these were the gifts that I looked forward to the most and I would get lost in the annuals for the rest of Christmas Day in front of the fire. Such great memories. So when I spotted a more “grown up” annual on Kickstarter I had to get it and I am so pleased that I did.
The annual includes 128 colourful pages filled with highlights from the past 22 issues of the Procrastination Paper, covering topics such as Screen Time, Sustainability, Love & Relationships, Creativity, Sleep, Calm & Relaxation, All Ages, Family, Activism, Home, Adventure, Nature, Food, Snail Mail, Play, Lists & Organisation, Drinks, Film & Video, Clothing, Health & Wellbeing, Pets & Animals and Community.

I will, of course, read this in one sitting and then come back to it and dip in and out of it. I like that the annual is divided into monthly sections. Each month then has its own theme, playlist, and prompts.
Great way to kick off 2021 and I am looking forward to spending more time procrastinating productively.