Last week I wrote about another corporate branded notebook from Triodos Bank which I was using as an everyday notebook / monthly notebook last week. This reminded me about other corporate branded notebooks. So I decided to share one of my favourite corporate branded notebooks which I used as a Monthly Notebook a while back. A notebook from ISG which I got as a freebie from an event.
However, for a freebie notebook, it is decent quality. It is hardback, durable, got a discreet bit of character with the coloured edge pages, lies flat decent paper and has an elastic closure. What more do you want from a corporate branded notebook? It is the type of notebook that I would choose for myself.

I used up this notebook a few years ago as an every day carry notebook that I took to events and meetings to take notes. It was perfect for carrying around on the go and because it was a lies flat and hardbacked, perfect for using in meetings and at conferences/events.
Product Details:
- Hardback Cover
- Lined pages
- Section sewn
- Lay-Flat Binding
- A5
- coloured edges
- Elastic closure