You may have already come across the Printed Portal Pocket Notebooks as part of our Kickstarter Finds Series. There have been two limited edition releases from Printed Portal.

The 2017 release featured starry night skies and contained three pocket notebooks: goals planner (2018), prompt journal pocket prompts (2018) and career development goals pocket planner.

The 2018 release featured fields of flowers and contained three pocket notebooks: goals planner (2019), prompt journal pocket prompts (2019) and Hometown Tourist Pocket Notebook.

Product Details:
- softcover (limited edition sets)
- approx 60 pages each
- mixed pages
- 10.79 x 17.46 cm
- set of three
- perfect binding
- made in
While you can no longer get the above mentioned limited edition pocket notebooks you can buy their pocket notebooks (including their pocket notebook subscription) on their website.
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of pocket notebooks and we encourage you to follow us on twitter and/or Instagram for more stationery inspired blog posts.