Welcome to our A to Z Challenge for 2020. Thank you for joining us for another celebration of notebooks. We are looking at notebooks and stationery from around the world this year. There is only one country beginning with the letter Q – so we’ve had to do some digging around for potential stationery options for Qatar.
From what I can tell stationery stockists in Qatar stock stationery from around the world (rather than stationery made in Qatar).
Places to buy Notebooks & Stationery in Qatar:
Have you used any of these notebooks? Do you know any others? Share in the comments.
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of Stationery from Around the World and we encourage you to follow us on twitter and//or Instagram for more stationery inspired blog posts.
Yes, Qatar is a challenge. I really don’t know anything about that country.
me neither so it was an interesting post to do.
I just recently read folktales from Quatar… 🙂
The Multicolored Diary
I’ve been enjoying your folktales.