I struggled to think of a notebook brand or company for u. Therefore I have chose the brand Uniball. Uniball is owned by Mitsubishi Pencil Co U.K. Limited.
one of the biggest players in the UK Rollerball Pen market. uni-ball consistently holds the number one position of the branded rollerball sales charts by volume
Established in Tokyo in 1887 Mitsubishi Pencils uni brand derives its name from the word unique. Our exclusive product variety is indicative of our desire to create products that uniquely match the needs of the individual user.
Today company headquarters, R&D and production facilities are based in Tokyo, Japan, with the European head office being based in Milton Keynes, U.K. The company has subsidiaries and distributors world-wide.
Uniball pens can be sourced from most stationery stores and supermarkets.
We can call A to Z a wrap! Thanks for participating and hope to see you again in 2016.
Stephen Tremp
A to Z Co-host
Z is for Zombie