Welcome to our A to Z Challenge for 2020. Thank you for joining us for another celebration of notebooks. We are looking at notebooks and stationery from around the world this year. The only country beginning with Y is Yemen. As far as I can tell, there are no noteworthy stationery brands or shops to showcase for Yemen (please feel to correct me and share any you are aware of in the comments).
Instead I wanted to share with you that you can get plenty of stationery products featuring a Yemen flag, slogan or colours and even images of the Country. You can find this for all the countries world wide.
Here are some examples of interesting personalised gifts and other things using different countries:
Have you used any of these? Do you know any others? Share in the comments.
Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of Stationery from Around the World and we encourage you to follow us on twitter and//or Instagram for more stationery inspired blog posts.